Chairman's Message

Mr. Jeffren Abrokwah – Angenago Company Limited

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the Ghana Used Clothing Dealers Association if you are new to us, and re-welcome you if you have been with us for a time.

My first and most important message is to wish all members continued good physical and mental health both now and over the coming weeks, months and years.

I get deeply worried about the fictitious reportage on used clothing in Ghana and it environmental impact. Most reportage by unknown local and foreign entities who have personal interest constantly mislead people to believing all used clothing brought in the country are dumped into the sea causing environmental pollution. These persons intentionally take money from foreign individuals and make fake reportage on used clothing. We continuously visit Kpone Landfill site, Nsawam landfill site and other landfill sites to see for ourselves reportage of used clothing dumped there, however to our surprise there is always nothing of such.

Nevertheless, I ask myself where do the about 5.5 million household items and brand new african prints wears used over the years which are not used clothing also go to. The landfill site or where?

It is why my main objective is to focus on enhancing recycling capacity and capability by establishing collection, sorting, processing, and recycling factor in the country. In that, we are going to produce mobs, bed-sheets, mattresses, car seats out of the recycled used clothing materials. This will generate jobs for the youth, increase export for the country and improve sanitation in the country.

Naturally the association is taking steps to ensure that we do our part in protecting the health and well-being of all citizenry within our country in line with guidance both from Ghana government and the environmental protection agencies (EPA). We truly do it together, on the basis of strong personal commitment. Helping each other where we can, while mindful of the busy family and professional lives we all lead.

I encourage every associate to think of innovative ways of adding export business to their businesses to aid in the nation building agenda as in our motto. if you are interested and have strong passion for partnership please come and meet us. We continuously open our doors for people who would want to research to come directly to our Head Office or send an email to us to assist you.

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